I orginally wrote this for Just Press Play but due to the Holidays and issues with a working editorial page, there may not be time to put it up there. I've posted this on Kfan's Rube Chat and Sportsrumormill and figured it would make a good blog entry as well.
Welcome to my inaugural Best of the Year piece for Just Press Play. As you will notice, this is not as in-depth as some Best of the Year articles out there. That’s because instead of an entire staff that was able to play every game under the sun - it’s just me, covering what I was able to play during the ever so fast moving 2005.
Here at Just Press Play we pride ourselves as regular gamers, just like most readers. We all have our day jobs, school, and families, but still like to take a little time to cover this wonderful industry. Hopefully, if all goes right, you’ll see some comments or lists from a staffer or two to help broaden this little article.
So without further ado, I give you my Top Ten Games of 2005 (remember, based off what I had the chance to play):
1. Resident Evil 4 (GC/PS2) – If you looked at this release as just another Resident Evil filled with poor controls and nightmarish inventory control, you really missed the boat on this one. RE4 is sure to change the way survival horror titles are developed with its intuitive controls, great storyline, incredible graphics, and unsurpassed atmosphere.
2. God of War (PS2) – The game that inspired me to start my first novel. Never before have I controlled a character with Kratos’ ferocity, yet beautifully orchestrated ways of death bringing. Add to that an incredible story centered on brutal ancient Greek Mythology, and you’ve got a game no one can resist. Did I mention the gameplay is second to none in this one?
3. World of Warcraft (PC) – I know, I know, it came out last year and won awards across the board on every website and in every gaming publication possible. But, the way Blizzard keeps cranking out patches that add content inundated enough to be considered expansions, the game becomes endless (and sucks away many hours of potential sleep). And the true Expansion comes out next year. Do I sense another Game (Expansion) of the Year for Blizzard?
4. Half-Life 2 (PC/Xbox) – This game has it all – an engaging story, incredible graphics, and wonderful FPS gameplay. If your computer is unworthy when it comes to games like Half-Life 2, the Xbox port is perfect.
5. Call of Duty 2 (PC/Xbox 360) – The first Call of Duty was amazing, and the second is even more so. Sure there’s way too many WWII shooters out there, but don’t let that turn you off from missing one of the best games ever.
6. Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox) – If you missed out on Ninja Gaiden when it first came out, now’s your chance to redeem yourself. This game has the best presentation ever seen on a home console. Even if you played it the first time around, there’s enough new stuff to keep your interest (like unlocking the original 8-Bit Ninja Gaiden….woot!). Did I mention you can pick this one up brand new for under 30 bucks?
7. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) – Waging battle against the largest foes ever seen in a video game is just one of the many treats in this technical wonder of a game. When I say big, I mean like Downtown New York skyscraper big!
8. Mario Power Tennis (GBA) – The big surprise of the year to me. Nintendo has a great track record in making un-popular sports, fun. Throw in Camelot (makers of Golden Sun), and you get not only unheralded tennis play, but some role-playing to boot. This one will keep you entertained on the go for hours.
9. Gun (PC/Xbox/Xbox 360/PS2/GC) – I spent my time with this one on the PC, and enjoyed every bit of it. There were plenty of mixed reviews, but I happened to enjoy the great story, impressive voice acting, and the gritty old west feel that was done to perfection.
10. Quake 4 (PC/Xbox360) – If you have an Xbox 360, DO NOT waste your time on this. Same goes to those with outdated PC’s. With a decent rig, Quake 4 looks and plays impressive as ever. While it doesn’t have the greatest story, it does have some intense moments that are water cooler talk worthy.
So there you have it, a list many will be shaking their heads at, but I didn’t get a chance to play everything this year. Hope you enjoyed it and I plan on expanding on this next year.
In closing, I thought I would share my 2006 wish list (I did get the PSP and four games for Christmas, I wrote the list before).
10 Video Game Related Items I want in 2006
(In no particular order)
1. Xbox 360 – PlayStation fanboys continue to bash Microsoft and their heralded Xbox 360 for the initial release shortages. Apparently they completely forgot about the PS2 release – I’m starting to think the large PS2 library is a bad thing; these guys appear to have fried their brains with so many games.
2. Nintendo Revolution – While some question the approach the Big N is taking with the new controller, I revel about it. I can’t wait to get my hands on that controller and experience games in a whole new fashion. Finally, a first-person shooter on a console system will have the feel of a PC’s mouse and keyboard.
3. PS3 – Let’s not stop now. Writing game reviews means needing every system. The impressive tech demos at E3 2005 were enough to make my head spin. Here’s hoping that we play some games that actually look like that during gameplay.
4. 60”+ HDTV – What self respecting gamer doesn’t want a nice new phat HDTV in which to play their new systems on? I’ve been eyeing the Sony Wega 64” LCD HDTV (when it comes to gaming – Plasma Bad; LCD Good). God help anyone else in family should I ever get one.
5. Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor – If you’re gonna enjoy the consoles and movies on nice widescreen, you mine as well do the same when playing PC games. Since I’m spoiled by my widescreen Toshiba Satellite laptop, I’d like to enjoy World of Warcraft in widescreen bliss on my power rig as well.
6. Nintendo DS – Nintendo rules the handheld market still to this day, and for good reason. Plenty of “Killer Apps” are out for the DS now, and I’d love to play Mario Kart while at work via Wi-Fi.
7. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – Ever since I beat the original Zelda for the NES the day it came out, I just can’t seem to get enough. Twilight Princess brings back a realistic, badass looking Link – and he even turns into a wolf (insert oh’s and ah’s here).
8. Trip to E3 2006 – I’ve been there done that before, but I’m really looking forward to 2006. Not only will Xbox 360 and PS3 games be in full force, we’ll also get to play around with that Revolution controller. My goal is to get the brass here at Just Press Play to get us in the doors so we can cover all the details for you.
9. PSP – This sleek little spendy sucker does indeed look good, and some better games should start rolling out in 2006. Just don’t see myself spending 10-15 bucks more than a regular DVD to watch movies on it though, not when I already have a laptop with a beautiful screen.
10. Logitech Wireless Keyboard and Mouse – The latest one ($150) has everything from Bluetooth technology to a hand touch pad for controlling things like your PC volume. Tie this in with that 64” Sony Wega and you have a PC gamers dream come true.
Happy New Year everyone, here’s to a new year filled with more gaming bliss! Until next time……Game On!
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