Monday, January 30, 2006
Random Sports Thoughts
Tiger Strikes Early
Tiger Woods played his first tournament of the season, after a long layoff from golf, and won in playoff fashion. Many doubted that Tiger would have an effect on the leaderboard since he was away from the game for so long but come on, this is Tiger we are talking about! That's like anyone saying that Michael Jordan wouldn't be a factor after his fathers death and stint at playing baseball. Three more NBA Championships later............
Timberwolves/Celtics Deal
When the big deal that dealt Wally World and Kandi man to the Celtics for Ricky Davis and Mark Blount (among others) took place last week, I was furious. But, after watching these guys come in and revitalize the Wolves with a new found energy, I'm starting to change my mind. Ironically the Wolves drilled the Celtics tonight 110-85 at the Target Center with Wally leading the Celtics (22 points). The only thing that I feel will hurt the Wolves in this deal now is the loss of another 1st round draft pick. Only time will tell, I just hope there isn't another deal in the works that moves KG out of here as it's rumored everywhere you read.
Superbowl XL
Still not ready to make a pick for this game. This is one heck of a matchup and it might take me till Saturday to finally decide. I will say that I'm ready for this game to kick off (even though I have to work during it!!!). All the hoopla leading up to game is getting on my nerves and annoying Steeler fans think this one is wrapped up already. Even the media seems to be spending more time talking about the Steelers than they do the Seahawks.
That's it for now, not much but it's something. Maybe I'll work on a Vikings update for tomorrow, maybe.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
World of Warcraft Wednesday
I just get flustered with all the quests I always seem to have and most of them chain together with others. I did a series of quests in the Darkshire area and then all of a sudden had to start going back and forth between Stormwind and Darkshire to finish that chain. It's rather annoying I tell you!
I've played 98% of my time solo and am in dire need of groups for many Dungeon runs I need to complete. I'm part of a Guild but I don't know anyone and hate to ask them so I just throw out a LFG (looking for group) and the Quest title. Don't always get the replies I hope for. Anyone have any suggestions?
Congrats to Server Medivh for being the first ones to open The Gates of Ahn' Qirai. The server I'm on (Kargath) is sitting in 58th place and only has 58% of the resources needed.
If you haven't seen it yet, Penny Arcade has a new comic featuring World of Warcraft which can be viewed here.
I know I said I would finish with a screenshot from my play time during the week, but my Photoshop needs to be re-installed and I've been too lazy to do it this past week. So here is another user submitted screenshot from the official site to tide you over. I promise to rectify the Photoshop issue this week.
Monday, January 23, 2006
NFL Championship Sunday Thoughts

I was completely shocked at how well the Steelers offense operated, and conversely, how poor Denver's defense played. It takes a special team to become the first in NFL history to make it to the Super Bowl going into the playoffs as the 6th seed. Three road wins against the number one, two, and three teams in the Conference - incredible!
Big Ben has grown alot in just one year, proving that he can be a leader at a very young age and not crumble under pressure like he did last year.
Jake Plummer on the other hand - well let's just say that the Jake we all expected to see all season long, picked the wrong day to rear his ugly head (and it truly is ugly, the guy needs a serious haircut and shave).
Congrats Pittsburgh Steelers!

I was expecting a close game here with Carolina's stifling defense. But instead, we saw that Seattle meant business and that they were not the highest scoring team in the league for nothing.
Mr. MVP Shaun Alexander finally had the type of postseason success fans and teammates have been clamoring for the past few years. Along with the sometimes over-looked Hasslebeck, the Seahawks put the hammer down and have everyone in a tizzy when it comes to picking a Superbowl winner.
What really shocked me though was the way in which the Seattle defense played. They took Steve Smith out of his game and constantly had Delhomme on the run.
Congrats Seattle Seahawks!

Don't worry though, I'll pick my winner sooner or later. Of course I know my Steeler friends all want me to pick the Seahawks simply because ever since the Steelers at Vikings game, I've picked against them and they've won every game.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
New Member of the Family!
Early this morning, my little sister had her baby little girl - Gracey. Since I know my father and grandparents are down South and didn't have the opportunity to be there today, I thought I would post the pictures we took. So here they are Dad, Randi, Todd, Tracy, Grams and Gramps, enjoy and talk to you all soon! (click the pictures for the full thing)
Congratulations Rick and Jenny!
You did well, I think this one's a keeper!
Electronic Arts Slashing Current-Gen Game Prices

That's just a few to mention, when all is said and done, EA will have slashed the price on 48 of their current-gen titles.
That's some good news for all of us that have not had the chance to play some of their great games. But how about some better news? Look for other game companies to piggy-back what EA is doing and slash the prices on all the current-gen games. That's right, this is a clear indication that the Next-Gen (Xbox 360, PS3, Revolution) is starting to hit full swing for all the gaming developers out there.
So get out there and pick up some cheap gems while you wait for all the Next-Gen titles to hit store shelves.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
World of Warcraft Weekly

Since this is the introductory week, I guess I should explain my WoW status and prove that I really don't have any WoW cred (kind of like how Carmello Anthony really doesn't have any street cred). I've been playing the game off and on for a while now, but only have a level 28 Mage, and a few other alts that really aren't worth mentioning at this point.
I just finally realized the importance of specing your character the other day and will be spending a few gold to do so. I'm sure I'll have more success once that is done, it just took me a while to decide which way I want to go and I think I finally made up my mind. I mainly play solo so that helped in my decision.
So yeah, even though I've been playing a while, I'm an ultra-noob. Having a wife, kids, job, and writing hobby makes it hard for me to dedicate long streams of time into the game. I have some friends that spend all their free time playing and do nothing else. As much as I'd like for that to be the case for myself, it's just not possible, and I'd rather not get a divorce from my wonderful wife.
My future installments will include some rants, questions, stories, and progress reports from my WoW play throughout the week. I'll end with a screenshot of the week that will come from my very own character and gameplay. But, for this week, I leave you with a screenshot of the day directly from Blizzard's own official World of Warcraft website: (click the pic for full size)

If there are any WoW players out there that would like to help me out with what I'm doing or post a story of your own, please feel free to leave a comment and look me up every Wednesday from now on.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Childress: Not a Culpepper Guy?

Now I like Childress, but I wish he would take the West Coast offense and shove it where the sun don't shine.
Culpepper is supposed to be the quarterback that leads the Vikings into the next decade. He's got raw talent that you just don't find in an everyday quarterback. Sure he's suffered a nasty knee injury, but McGahee has shown that you can bounce back and still perform with the same type of injury.
I think it would be a mistake for the Vikings to trade Daunte and not get much in return (the injury would be a huge leverage tool for teams to rob the Vikings). According to the lastest doctor notes I heard about on Daunte, he will be mobile enough to partake in some light workouts during mini-camp. That's significant considering most thought he wouldn't be walking at that time let alone taking some snaps.
Since we have a coach that is sold on the WC offense, it will take time for a player like Daunte to learn it. But, he will not be playing the first week of the season and Brad Johnson should have no problem in the offense with his style of play. Just let Daunte heal and learn the offense from the sidelines and ease him in when the time comes. If the Vikings keep Koren Robinson, who wouldn't want to watch Daunte and him connecting deep?
All I'm saying is, we should not give up on Daunte. He's a gamebreaker that is ready to prove that he can come back from this injury and perform. Is it worth trading him for bit players and a low draft pick only to see him become the league MVP (or worse yet, win a Super Bowl) someday? I don't think so, give him time to heal and role with Johnson till he's ready.
Monday, January 16, 2006
NFL Divisional Playoffs Thoughts

Wow, were there a few upsets this weekend or what? Starting with yesterday's game, the big surprise (well not to the Steeler faithful) was the Steelers knocking off the Colts. Several weeks ago the Lombardi Trophy alread had the Colts etched in it to most of the country. But, a coaches son's death and meaningless regular season games later, the Colts now find themselves wondering what happened, and what could have been. There were some bad calls in the game, one in particular that had to of pissed off every Steeler fan in the country. I'm sure those same Steeler fans had a heart attack during the Bettis fumble, only to be saved by Big Ben's tackle. Glad to see that another solid kicker can miss an all important field goal in a playoff game (us Vikings fans will never forgive Gary Anderson).
As for the Bears/Panthers game, that one was a case of "I told you so". I've thought the Bears' defense was overrated and boy did they prove that, and at home! Steve Smith single handedly tore that unit up. Note to still need a real quarterback.
The Seahawks won despite losing MVP Alexander early on. Not much to say about that game, it went as expected to me.
Now the Pats and Broncos on the other, I really expected the Patriots to make that Super Bowl push again. I have not been giving the Broncos the credit they deserve all year, so now I will. Like Plummer said, you don't go 13-3 without being a damn good team.
So my Super Bowl prediction of the Pats and Bears went up in flames. As a matter of fact, I thought the AFC Championship game would be the Pats and Colts. Good thing I don't gamble, it would have been a horrible weekend for me.
So this is who I like in the Championship games:
I like the Broncos to win a close defensive battle at home, and the Seahawks to finally make it to the big game while defeating a very good Carolina team. I just don't see the Steelers and Panthers winning a third playoff game in a row on the road.
So there you have it, the Super Bowl I am predicting:

Take it for what it's worth, I only picked one game right last week!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Allele - Point of Origin Review

Guess I should start listening to 93x a bit more here in the Twin Cities. In the mornings I always get my sports fix on KFAN and while at work, I'm listening to The Dark Tower audio books (I'm almost done with Wizard and Glass).
So for all you rockers out there, give this one a try.
Friday, January 13, 2006
More PS3 Price Speculation

It's nothing new to me really, I've been saying all along that it has to be more expensive than the Xbox 360 due to the fact that the 360 uses a regular DVD drive whereas the PS3 is to have a Blue-Ray drive. The article does point that out, and it also points out that during the CES show, the first stand-alone Blue-Ray disc player was unveild - with a $1,800 price tag!
It's not looking good for the average consumer when it comes to wanting a PS3. Between all this price speculation and the fact that I think it won't be released till this fall, more and more 360's will be flying off the shelves now that the inventory is starting to rise.
You can read Gamespot's full story on this here.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Dark Tower Flash Game

As I'm sifting through all the images that google puked out, I come across the image in this post. Recognizing it as a game I loved to play as a kid, I clicked on the link and came to find their is a flash version of Dark Tower, an electronic Milton Bradley game created in 1981.
I was so thrilled to see this as I was looking for this game in a retro game store a while back. I did find one that day, but they wanted $500 for it. No way am I gonna pay that kind of money for a 20+ year old electronic game, for nostalgia's sake or not.
For those not familiar with this great game, give the links above a click and check it out. For those that are familiar with Dark Tower, well, you may not have made it past the links.
Friday, January 06, 2006
PS3 To Release this Fall, Maybe (Warning, Speculation)
That's right, you heard it here, and hopefully first.
Hammer and Sickle Review
I was rather disappointed with the game overall as you will see. The production value was something one would have expected years ago, not in today's gaming world. Oh well, here's hoping I get a better game to review next time.
Next up on my slate for Just Press Play is a CD review from a Hard Rock band called Allele. The Album is titled Points of Origin and I should be listening to it this weekend and will have the review done early next week. I'll post the link here when it's up so look for that if you like Rock music.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year!
A new year means more broken resolutions. But not me, not this year. I plan on making 2006 the year I become a published (paid) writer of some sort. I don't care if it's for sports writing, gaming journalism, short stories, or my first novel - one way or another, I will do it. So wish me luck, I start back on the novel that I managed to only finish one chapter last year.