Thursday, January 19, 2006

World of Warcraft Weekly

For those that know me, it's no secret that I like to get my geek on with a little World or Warcraft from time to time. Since it's such a wonderful online game that takes up hours and days of one's life, I thought I would share a thought and screenshot once a week of my trails in Azeroth. I know today is Thursday, but I figured I would run this bit on Wednesday from now on. That way it can be World of Warcraft Wednesday - why not, I did come up with Purple Pride Ponderings after all.

Since this is the introductory week, I guess I should explain my WoW status and prove that I really don't have any WoW cred (kind of like how Carmello Anthony really doesn't have any street cred). I've been playing the game off and on for a while now, but only have a level 28 Mage, and a few other alts that really aren't worth mentioning at this point.

I just finally realized the importance of specing your character the other day and will be spending a few gold to do so. I'm sure I'll have more success once that is done, it just took me a while to decide which way I want to go and I think I finally made up my mind. I mainly play solo so that helped in my decision.

So yeah, even though I've been playing a while, I'm an ultra-noob. Having a wife, kids, job, and writing hobby makes it hard for me to dedicate long streams of time into the game. I have some friends that spend all their free time playing and do nothing else. As much as I'd like for that to be the case for myself, it's just not possible, and I'd rather not get a divorce from my wonderful wife.

My future installments will include some rants, questions, stories, and progress reports from my WoW play throughout the week. I'll end with a screenshot of the week that will come from my very own character and gameplay. But, for this week, I leave you with a screenshot of the day directly from Blizzard's own official World of Warcraft website: (click the pic for full size)

If there are any WoW players out there that would like to help me out with what I'm doing or post a story of your own, please feel free to leave a comment and look me up every Wednesday from now on.

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