Wednesday, February 01, 2006

World of Warcraft Wednesday

Time to fess up. Last week I promised to have my Photoshop issue rectified so I could post a screenshot each week of my play. Well, I broke my promise. It seems it's much easier to be lazy than it is to do something I intended on, but failed to act on. I'll try to fix it this week, no promises!

I finally made it to the halfway point as far as reaching the level cap. Yep, I dinged 30 this past week thanks to a great group that helped me complete all the quests in the Stockade. So far the re-specing of my character seems to be helping. I'm actually using my Mage like others in groups want, which is helpful for keeping a group together for other runs.

One of the guys in the successful group is actually in my Guild, a Male Warrior that goes by Timp. I was actually on with him last night and he helped me out on a couple of quests. I believe he's a level 33 so we can work together nicely. I'm sure I'll be running around Azeroth with him for a while.

That's all the time I have this week, here's another user submitted screenshot from the official site.


And finally, here's a fun Penny Arcade comic that is all too true:

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