E3 is now over, and throughout the week I was attacked by a few select for supporting Nintendo and their new direction. Some went as far as to label me a fanboy. Sad thing is - they were all either Sony or Microsoft fanboys.
It’s true that I’ve always believed in Nintendo, how could I not, I grew up on the illustrious company. Before the NES was ever out, I was hooked on video games. From Atari 2600 to Colecovision, I had them all, and continue to own every console possible today. When the NES came out, they took gaming into a new direction and are responsible for the way we play today. They were the start of franchise names like Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and a slew of others.
Other companies “followed” this trend and brought us memorable characters such as Bonk, Sonic, Spyro, and Ratchet and Clank.
Today, I play games on every system, and I support them all. When I’m at work, if I’m not playing my DS (ok, so it’s the kids DS, I’m just waiting for the more fashionable and brighter DS Lite), I’m playing my PSP. At home, I bounce around from PS2, GameCube, Xbox, and PC. All this while being addicted to World of Warcraft. Honestly, I think I have gaming ADHD, it’s hard for me to have say, a four hour session on just one game. I like to play a little of this, play a little of that, and wonder why I never beat certain games.
So a week before the big E3 show, Nintendo drops the bomb about the big name change. Revolution had been planted in everyone’s mind, and from what we new about the console, appeared to be rather fitting. When the announcement of Wii hit, the internet nerds (that includes me) filled message boards everywhere with their displeasure about the name. Sony and Microsoft fanboys started up jokes and everyone, including Nintendo fanboys, knew the Wii was destined for failure.
Well guess what, Nintendo is getting the last laugh.
Nintendo blew up E3 as the Wii became the main focus of the expo. In less than a week’s time, Nintendo turned nay-sayers into believers. When your booth has up to a five hour line and the others are a ghost town, you know you’ve done something right.
“The Wiimote (what everyone has dubbed the new controller) is the next Nintendo gimmick”, is what everyone was saying before the show. From what I’ve read and seen now, the word gimmick never enters a sentence when one talks about the Wii. Everyone that got a chance to play it walked away wanting more. It’s intuitive and will change the way we play games. Sure there’s a learning curve, but I remember having to learn how to use dual-analog controls as well.
What’s left now on the negative front towards the Wii is the diehard fanboys that refuse to buy into the hype. “Like I really want to look like some tard waving my hands around while playing a game”, is what you’ll hear them say. From what I’ve seen, everyone was having fun. Isn’t that what games are supposed to be, fun? Remember (for those old enough) back in the 80’s when gaming was fun and who was responsible for it?
That’s ok though because those fanboys can stick to playing games forever with their thumbs and boasting about how many polygons per second their machine can pump out (who sounds like the tard in that scenario?).
Fact of the matter is, Nintendo took a huge chance with the Wii, and if E3 is an early indication, took one that is going to change the face of gaming forever. I’m just as excited as the next gamer for the incredible graphics and games shown for the PS3 and 360, but as the five hour long line has proven, I’m even more excited to try something new and different.
What Nintendo has done is good for the gaming industry and a needed step to change the vastly becoming monotonous industry. As the past has shown, others will soon follow Nintendo’s lead (is Sony’s “new” controller enough proof for you?) and that will only lead to greater things for gamers.
And now for my winners and losers of this year’s E3:
- Nintendo is clearly the winner of the show (big surprise after reading the above eh!). Their Press conference was entertaining and filled with information and plenty of first ever seen Wii action. There were 25+ Wii titles playable on the E3 floors and most reviewers left wanting more. Besides the Wii, Nintendo made a big splash with the DS to include the DS Lite and tons of killer apps for the handheld system. And finally, there was even a little GameCube love, to include the next installment of Paper Mario, which is good-old Mario side-scrolling action with the Paper Mario look. I truly believe that most gaming sites and magazines will agree with me when I say Nintendo hands down, stole the show. Oh, and did I mention that Solid Snake is going to be in the upcoming online enabled Super Smash Bros. Brawl!!??
- Microsoft was clearly behind the eight ball this year because their system launched last November so there was no longer any new system hype. But, they came through and delivered an impressive array of Next-Gen (can we call it Current-Gen already?) titles for everyone’s favorite green glowing box. The Halo 3 trailer was huge (and a tease), and Gears of War appears to be on par with anything Sony is throwing their way. The next phase of Xbox 360 games will be well worth the wait.
- Sony’s press conference put them in a bad situation for the entire E3 show. It was boring and the price (which everyone expected to be high anyway) still leaves a bad taste in most gamers’ mouths. The two package deal is a joke because no one would want to miss out on what’s missing form the 600 dollar package. Then there was the unveiling of the new controller. Same as the PS2, but look, it has built in motion sensors! Nice one Sony, way to ride Nintendo’s coat tails already. But, Sony does have some gorgeous games coming up including Heavenly Sword, Metal Gear Solid 4, and the ever so impressive looking Eight Days.
So there it is, like it or not, that’s how I saw it and I’m sticking to it. I have a strong feeling that many gamers out there will be getting the “Next-Gen” system of choice (PS3 or 360), and adding a Nintendo Wii to their gaming arsenal. Nintendo was genius this time around, and I’m sure the sales will prove that this fall and holiday season. Personally, I look forward to all the new systems and can’t wait to get my hands on all of them. It’s just too bad Sony is gonna make me take out another mortgage on my house to get a PS3.
Now remember fanboys, you only miss out on other gaming experiences by staying “true” to your console. It’s video games, not football teams, remember that and rejoice in the future of gaming.
Keith Michaels
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