So it's been a bit too long since the last LNR. My apologies on that, but things happen and unless something changes and I actually start getting paid for this, that's just the way it goes sometimes. But, as you can see, I'm still plugging away and will continue to do so (work and family permitting). I come to you from my hotel room in Chicago tonight where it took me almost five hours to get here thanks to delays at the lovely O'hare aiport. I'm catching up with the stories and here's what's caught my eye in a short time.
Gaming Five
- Blizzard handing out StarCraft 2 beta keys tomorrow? This post says it's 100% confirmed, so where's my key, Blizzard!!??
- Remember Duke Nukem Forever? The game that was supposed to be released before Y2K? Yeah, well here's some new footage, even though I thought 3D Realms mailed it in recently.
- Hey iPhone users, want an addicting game to pull you away from Facebook? Peggle is now 80% off, only costs $1. One dollar! You can't even get a 20 oz. Dew for that price.
- Gears of War 2 PC rumors, according to IGN. Rumors, really? Why? The first one is available on the PC, with an additional act that never hit the 360.
- Overlord II demo has been released for the PC and PS3. It's so fun being evil, isn't it!!??
Sports Five
- Childress dodges more Favre questions..............blah blah blah.
- Crimson Tide Football put on probation, stripped of 21 wins. Ouch.
- Phil Mickleson is hitting 'em well, post wife cancer announcement.
- Red Sox continue domination over the Yankees, improve to 8-0 against them.
- Twins road woes continue, lose 3-0 lead late in the game against Oakland, lose 4-3.
That's it for tonight, here's hoping my trip back the Twin Cities tomorrow goes better than the trip here.
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