Brad Childress finally fielded some questions today on KFAN since his little meeting with Favre down in Mississippi this past Monday. So what do we know now that we didn't before this thought provoking visit to KFAN? Nothing. As a matter of fact, here's some quotes from the charming head coach that pretty much sums it all up:
"I don't know if he's going to play this year and I don't know if he knows if he's going to play this year."
On the supposed 14 pound weight gain of Favre's:
"He didn't look any different to me," Childress said. "I wouldn't say he's like a puss bucket or anything like that. He said he's gained a little weight. I think what he told me was that his wife Deanna said to him, 'Well, I don't know if you're going to play football anymore or not but you need to do something because you are getting a little soft.'"
It's not a physical decision, but a mental one:
"It's just whether you have it mentally to keep going," Childress said. "Physically, I think he's in pretty good shape. ... I think he's going to do the right thing. I wouldn't want him in half-cocked. I wouldn't want him in to run down the road and back in get a paycheck. That's not the way he's wired. You're not toeing the water, you're not kind of pregnant. You're either all in or you're not all in. That's wherein the decision lies."
How about those rocky times Favre mentioned:
"Was it rocky at times?" Childress said. "I certainly knew of his skill set, but I didn't know the man probably as well as I could have known the man. Was there a recruitment period? Sure there is, and then it's a different deal when he's a strong-willed guy, I'm a strong-willed guy. But one lap around the track I know what I know about him now, watching him on the field, watching him in the building. That's what that visit was about."
As you can see, it was another slow Vikings news day filled with some of the same Favre talk that never seems to end when it comes to the off-season. The local media and ESPN eat this stuff up, but we all know the end result - Favre will be here no earlier than Mid-August, just in time for the Vikings caravan to make the final trip back up North 169 to Winter Park.
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