What the broom totting witch that's already lost to Obama needs to realize is that her insane push to ban games like this leads to more attention than necessary. Kids notice that politic wackos push so hard to have certain media removed from store shelves and that's what piques their interest.
I have no doubt that this is a great game, but it's what I laid out above that's keeping me away. The game has been out for two weeks now and it's still the buzz on all the gaming sites out there. With minimal advertising compared to other giant games like Halo 3 (which had an insane amount of advertising to include many spots during NFL Kick Off weekend), GTA IV has already nearly doubled Halo 3's sales, smashing world records.
If I ever check this one out, it will be much later down the road when I can use my 10% off used games card at Gamespot. There's plenty of great games out there and many more to come, so please people, enough of the GTA IV hype already!
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